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You can also donate your change below :)

young boy surfing a wave, smiling and pointing up with both hands



Why should I donate to SWB instead of the organizations directly?

We support organizaitons around the world that each specialize and excel in surf therpy, empowerment and environmental education within their local communities. Your donation with SWB will have a wide ranging impact and will be used for what each different organizations needs most at the time. If one specific organization resonates more with you, then we absolutely implore you yo donate with them directly. The ultimate goal of SWB is to bring awareness to these organizations so we consider that always great win for all.

Where does my donation actually go?

We currently use all personal and individual donations to help our partner organizations pay for transportation to and from the beach, surfboards and wetsuits, suncreen, tents, food, water, etc. Anything they need most inorder to achieve their mission. We fund all back end other acpects of the organization with the help of our amazing sponsors and business donors.

How else can I help SWB and its partner organizations?

There are many other ways you can help from sharing the SWB mission with friends and family to donating surfboards. There are also volunteer opportunties directly with many of our partner organizations, and we highly recommend reaching out to them directly to learn more. Stay tuned as we are working on adding a volunteer program directly into Surf Without Borders for the future.

young kids walking down path to the beach while holding surfboards
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